The bear went back to bed...

On October 7th, 2018 I triumphantly declared that in the new year I was going to redesign my website and begin writing more of my own thoughts down in what I implied would be a brand spanking new blog. That, unfortunately, didn’t happen in January of 2019.

Fast forward to January 2020, where we sit right now, and I have finally gotten around to all the things that 2018 Chelsea had in mind.

In revamping this online writing space I decided to scrap everything that was leftover from my time assuming that the internet cubby I was destined to fill would be lifestyle blogger. I published my goals, and life updates and kept what is effectively a beautiful online journal that I now have archived and inactive and off of this website. There’s nothing wrong with those pieces or with being a lifestyle blogger, it’s just no longer reflective of what I want to put out into the internet/ether.

But 2018 Chelsea was right, she was just a year off.

Welcome to my opinion column.